Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Solstice Project, First Shot, June 2006

Since the summer of 2006, when I graduated from college, I've taken self portraits on the summer and winter solstice of each year. I decided to photograph my evolving self on the turning points of the year, days that always stirred something inside me.
After 5 years I had a nice little collection to show... Each photo should capture something about where I was and what I was up to at the time. For example, the first was taken when I worked as an art model which was why I chose to pose nude - for the blog I chose the blurred shot so as to be family friendly. We can just decide that the motion blur speaks to my rapidly changing life at that point in time. My new diploma from Shepherd University is in the corner as well as some framed photos from my senior art show, and I'm sleeping on the floor- no mattress to speak of ..yet. Other images posted below in chronological order.

Solstice Project (Winter 2006 - Winter 2008)

Feeling down but with a new bed...December 2006.
Revisiting the slide at my childhood elementary school after moving back to Arlington, VA, Summer 2007
Dreams of being a drum & bass DJ, Winter 2007
Newly arrived in Tel Aviv, Summer 2008
West Virginia Winter, 2008

Solstice Project (Summer 2009 - Summer 2011)

Yafo, Israel in the background (last summer in Tel Aviv,, 2009)
Return to snow: First Winter in Silver Spring, MD, 2009
Apt finally came together by Summer 2010
Embracing 2 cultures, Holidays 2010
Summer 2011. New dress, new ring, new pot of basil.